Madasen Wilson
Client Relations
Madasen Wilson
Madasen Wilson is currently working toward her Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and Professional Clinical Counseling at Chapman University. After graduating, she intends to work as a clinical therapist, specializing in the treatment of OCD and anxiety related disorders.
Madasen’s passion for helping others with OCD was born out of her own personal experience. For over 10 years, Madasen suffered from what is often referred to as “Pure Obsessional OCD” – a form of OCD that is commonly characterized by sexual or violent intrusive thoughts. As is unfortunately the case for many people with OCD, Madasen’s OCD went undiagnosed for years on end, causing her an indescribable amount of mental anguish. Eventually, however, after learning more about OCD and the various ways in which it can manifest, Madasen worked up the courage to fight to get her life back and made the decision to commit herself to the OCD treatment process.
Although her treatment journey was not easy, Madasen successfully achieved recovery and is now in a place where OCD rarely affects her daily life. As a result, helping other mental health sufferers obtain effective treatment so that they can experience the same reclamation of life that she experienced has become Madasen’s life’s mission.